Conventional agile estimation involves assigning story points based on the relative size of each piece of work. Most teams refuse to accept stories whose size falls outside a certain limit and send them back for further analysis. Teams using Procrustean sizing take this to the extreme and only accept stories of a single, fixed size.
Procrustes was mythical ancient Greek bandit whose speciality was capturing unwary travellers and making them fit his iron bed. If they were too short, he would stretch them. If they were too tall, he would cut off an appropriate section of their legs.
Procrustean has come to describe the coercion of data into an arbitrary container or structure. The term is often used perjoratively to refer to a simplistic, one-size-fits all approaches.
However, I believe that a Procrustean story sizing is a viable technique for teams using kanban to manage their work. Limiting all stories to a pre-determined size places extra restrictions on story formation but it provides stronger assurances about how work and value will flow through your team.
When all stories are of the same size it becomes easier to reason about the backlog as a whole. Adding up stories of different sizes is dangerous because teams sometimes have a tendency to over or under-estimate differently for larger stories. An eight point story might take more or less than four times as long as a two-pointer when there is not a strictly linear relationship between story points and effort.
This effect is stronger with greater variability. Some teams avoid the temptation to add up stories of different sizes by estimating in animals or some other arbitrary non-numeric scale. However, when there is only one size this complication is avoided and calculations of the total size of the backlog become more reliable.
More importantly, limiting variability helps to maintain a constant flow. Production levelling (as described by Taiichi Ohno in his account of the Toyota Production System) is essential for reducing waste because it ensures that all parts of the pipeline recieve work at a rate they can handle. Uneven flow (mura) results in work building up in some areas while other areas are forced to remain idle and disrupts feedback.
Setting limits on work-in-progress (WIP) is also simpler when there is no distinction between points and stories. A WIP limit of story points can mean that there are too few stories in development to usefully work on in parallel, but a WIP limit of stories can allow too much work to be in progress at once if large stories are in development. When there is too much WIP, it takes longer for problems to show. Also, it becomes difficult to change priorities because expedited stories are blocked by large pieces of work already in progress.
The most obvious disadvantage of the technique is that stories may need to be divided, even when the product owner envisages them as a single unit. This is a problem for any team that does not accept stories of an unlimited magnitude, but it happens more frequently when using Procrustean sizing.
Adopting Procrustean sizing is a tradeoff. If reliable flow is more important than the narrative integrity of stories, then it can assist a team's development process. If preserving stories in the form that product owners originally imagined them is important for communicating with stakeholders, then levelling your stories may not be good option.
Procrustean sizing forces teams to organise plan stories in the form that they can most easily be worked on. It's the software equivalent of Ohno's advice to reduce batch size in manufacturing and, like reducing batch size, takes discipline and effort. Procrustean sizing is a simple constraint, but kanban has already demonstrated the value and power of simple constraints correctly applied.
NB: I have not used this technique in its pure form on a real project. This post is intended as an RFC and exposition of the Procrustean sizing concept. I would be very interested in hearing others' experiences with this or similar ideas.